Love and affection, helping someone socially or any sort of social help is also said to be affection. Love is a feeling deep inside it speaks for itself though but affection can also be taken as physical expression of love.Love is a deep feeling, words are not enough to describe what love reallyis.When you are More..
RationalWiki’s 2019 Fundraiser
There is no RationalWiki without you. We are a small non-profit with no staff – we are hundreds of volunteers who document pseudoscience and crankery around the world every day. We will never allow ads because we must remain independent. We cannot rely on big donors with corresponding big agendas. We are not the More..
A girl is a young female human
A girl is a young female human, usually a child or an adolescent. When she becomes an adult, she is described as a woman. The term girl may also be used to mean a young woman,[1] and is sometimes used as a synonym for daughter.[2] Girl may also be a term of endearment used by More..