
Importance of Sports Essay

Importance of Sports in our Life: Sports play a great role in our life as it keeps us healthy, wealthy and active. We can have a healthy mind only when we have a healthy body. Great achievements come our way when we maintain our physical and mental well-being. Long and Short Essay on Importance of More..


The word “sport” comes from the Old French

Etymology The word “sport” comes from the Old French desport meaning “leisure”, with the oldest definition in English from around 1300 being “anything humans find amusing or entertaining”.[8]Other meanings include gambling and events staged for the purpose of gambling; hunting; and games and diversions, including ones that require exercise.[9] Roget’s defines the noun sport as More..


Sport (British English) or Sports (American English)

Sport (British English) or Sports (American English) includes all forms of competitive physical activity or games which,[1] through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment to participants, and in some cases, entertainment for spectators.[2] Hundreds of sports exist, from those between single contestants, through to More..